Why to Join AiBN?

Monthly Business Meetings
- All members will get 40 seconds to introduce themselves.
- There will be 2 business presentations.
- Duration of presentation will be 5 minutes (4 minutes of presentation and 1 minute for interaction).
- Presentation to be shared 2 days prior to the meet to the President.
- One Edu slot (where members will learn some new skills). Time will be 5 minutes.
- Monthly meetings will be on chargeable basis on cost sharing model.
Please fill Complete Google form with payment details
Lifetime Fees to be paid in AiBN Bank Account
Agarwal International Business Network
Axis Bank Ltd, Vejalpur Branch
Account no.922020017430251
Life Membership Fees is Non-Refundable and non-transferable

Axis Bank Scan Code for Payment
Grow Your Business
AiBN’s proven business referral system, technology and training programs are designed to help business owners and professionals work together to pass qualified referrals and explore new opportunities that drive business growth.
Build Relationships
Building trusted relationships is what we are all about. Your BNI Membership is designed to develop long lasting relationships that deepen and evolve through our core value – Givers Gain®.
Sharpen Your Skills
Your AiBN Membership gives you access to mentors, other business professionals and a whole host of courses through our proprietary learning center, AiBN Business Builder, to help you build your skills and confidence.